Yes, I finally have electricity after being in the dark since last Thursday! These past few days have been pretty crazy. It started out with a tornado warning last Thursday. Me and others at work were told to hunker down in the bathrooms until the "all clear" was given. That was not fun because someone had just used the bathroom so you can imagine the stench. Then came the high winds, lightening and biblical floods. I mean, there was standing water everywhere! We were asked to leave work because the standing water had started to creep towards my building. I gladly left, only to sit in traffic while a 2nd round of storms hit the area. It took me a good 2 hours to get home when it normally takes me just 30 mins. I finally made it home only to find the lights outs. I was living the Amish life for roughly 4 days. Most of the food in the frig and freezer had to be thrown out and worst of all I had no internet, no light, and NO TV!!! The lights finally came back on early this morning and what a relief it was! Below are some pics I took of the flooding and damage caused by last Thursday's storms.