A Day At The ZooYesterday I took a day off of work and took my sister's kids to the
Milwaukee County Zoo. It

was a nightmare getting there. I sat for nearly an hour and a half in rush hour do to a truck that caught fire on the expressway. Once I picked up the kids it was another long hour drive to the zoo. What turned out to be a miserable and cloudy morning turned into a beautiful warm and sunny day. It had been years since I went to this particular zoo. It was the

kids first time to the zoo and we all enjoyed it very much. I asked the kids what the most memorable part of the day was and their response: "The elephant pooping and peeing in front of us (giggle)!" I'll admit, the dump was impressive. Anywayz, the kids also enjoyed the zoo's aquarium which houses an assortment of fish from around the world. For me, the

aquarium was a welcome break being that I had just spent the past 3 hours, in 90 degree heat, chasing the kids from exhibit to exhibit. Overall, it was a good trip and the kids (despite the little one's reaction in the picture) are looking forward to going again next year. Peace out!