Something Is Buggin' Me...And that something is WASPS and HORNETS!!! I've had a severe infestation of these critters in the bushes on my back patio these past couple of weeks. One cannot sit back and relax

without thinking that you're going to get stung so I've done some research on methods to eradicate them. Bug spray was not an option since it's very toxic and would also kill the beneficial insects that frequent the garden (butterflies, my friend the praying mantis, etc). So, the nice lady over at my local Home Depot suggested the "
Rescue! Yellowjacket TRAP". It's a funky looking contraption that's easy to set up. All I had to do was insert the cotton ball in the attractant cup, pour the attractant juice over it, close it and hang it outside. We'll see if it works. Updates to come.
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