Monday, March 20, 2006

Arson Suspect Detained For Questioning
Ohio City, OH: Authorities investigating an early morning car fire say they suspect arson is the cause.

The incident was first reported by
The Correl early Sunday morning. The fire damaged a 1986 Chevrolet Nova parked in the 4200 block of John Court. One fireman was hospitalized with smoke inhalation. Residents of an adjacent condemned building were also safely evacuated for fears of the fire spreading due to windy conditions at the time. The blaze closed down all lanes of John Court for several hours during the morning rush hour.

In a written statement, the Cleveland Police Department said detectives have detained 3 year
old Tyrel "Peanuts" Jenkins for questioning in connection with the blaze. Authorities are also searching for another suspect who fled on paws towards the neighborhood near John Ave. The suspect is described as a one foot, grey male Sciurus with a thick furry tale, big cheeks, and large black eyes. If you or anyone else have seen anyone matching this description, you are asked to call the Cleveland Police Department or your local authorities.


Anonymous said...

That is straight up GHETTO! All them squirrels are bringin the whole hood down!

Anonymous said...

kalysis ha pantentado el dispositivo lector de los nuevos dnis