We are back from our trip to Germany. We had a great time!

These Shneckes (slugs and snails) are pests to many gardeners in Germany but I found them rather interesting. They were everywhere and they weren't small either. Most were 2 to 3 inches long and came in two colors, black and brown. Aren't they cute?
The Ringwall near Otzenhausen was a celtic fort constructed as early as the 5th and 4th century B.C. as a defense against the Germanic people. We were able to find the site thanks to a friendly German couple in their 80's hiking along the trail!!! They made hiking look so easy! [Source]
Brian keeps telling me that the 3 Magi stayed overnight in this building on their way to Bethleman to visit Jesus. I don't buy it, do you?
This is a picture of Brian's Oma. She is one fast crazy driver! I almost soiled myself while riding in the front passenger seat with her. Luckily I survived. The picture above was taken in an underground tunnel of an old Roman bathhouse in Trier.

1 comment:
This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.
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