9 Planets Become 12?If the International Astronomical Union (IAU) has their way, we could have 3 new planets added to our solar system on August 24th. I don't know about you but I think it would be kinda cool except for having to learn the order of the planets all over again. [Article]
I like the lizard solor system better.
Hummm.....I had always imagined uranus to be much larger.
Ah ha ha ha, ha ha, ha..(sigh)
Imagined. Can you see the junk in Luis's trunk?
As a member of Friends of Pluto, I can not condone 12 planets.
12 planets become 11. Pluto got the ax today.
Umm, Katraz, you mean 8, not eleven, umkayyy. How's your boyfriend Cha-Ka?
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