Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Trick or Treat ya'll! The meds have kicked in and I'm finally feeling better after throwing my freakin' back out from the Global Day of Service I participated in. I leave you now with some exclusive pics from the Halloween events at Moto. Hope everyone has a safe and spooky Halloween.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Today more than 9,000 fellow Motorola employees in 75 cities representing 40 countries took a half day off work to volunteer their services in their local communities as part of the company's first Global Day of Service. I volunteered my time at Busse Woods Forest Preserve where I cut buckthorn, pruned trees, mulched and cleaned up garbage throughout the preserve.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Snow In October
Yes, old man winter came a knockin' on my door this morning. The first snow of the season descended across the Chicago Metro area today. It was the heaviest early season snowfall in more than 121 years! I took some pictures of the snow from work and as you can see there was a nice coat of the white stuff on sidewalks, bushes and the tops of cars! Eeeks, what happeend to Fall? [Article]

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Paris & Nicole Makeup
The planets must have been properly aligned this week because Paris and Nicole are finally friends again! The two were seen smiling at each other and text messaging on a bench outside a restaurant as they waited for their car. The world can now breathe a sigh of relief. [Article]

Monday, October 09, 2006

Sunday BBQ
This was a pretty chill weekend. On Saturday Roy came over and we watched scary movies into the wee hours of the morning. Freakin Brian came down during the scariest part of "Signs" and scared the sh*t out of us! Sunday we were supposed to go to the pumpkin patch with my sister and Marty but instead BBQ's and drank the whole day on the patio since it was nice out. We had a good ole fashion Mexican BBQ with arracherras and all the fixins. I will definitely be going on a diet over the next few weeks because the eating is OOC!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

This isn't quite the full moon that Mary from "All You Wanted To Know About Nuttin'" talks about in her blog but did anyone else notice how bright the moon was last night? If you did, it has to do with the Harvest Moon. The moon is actually 12 percent bigger than some of the other full moons this past year. Farmers in the past relied on this light to harvest their crops all night long. So if you get a chance tonight, look up into the sky and marvel at this spectacle. Super cool! [Article]
This is why I want a Whirlpool washer and dryer. I meanz, how can you not want one after watching this mesmerizing commercial?

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Severe Weather
Severe weather pounded the Midwest bringing heavy showers and thunderstorms late Monday evening across the entire Chicago Metropolitan. Glendale Heights reported nickel size hail and gusts of up to 50mph. More seasonable temperatures are expected in the latter half of the week as a strong cold fronts slips south across Illinois. From the Lui5 Weather Center, this is Lui5.
Bloggers Unite The 1st Annual Bloggers Convention was held this past Sunday at Walker Brothers Pancake House, in Arlington Heights. Renee from Didymopping, Mary from All You Wanted To Know About Nuttin', Juliano from the now defunct The Correl, Brian from Tigger Please and myself were in attendance. Ok, ok, there really was no convention. We just decided to meet Mary for breakfast at THE best pancake house in the world. YUM!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Eating At Fado
Yesterday we headed downtown to eat at an Irish Pub called Fado. If you want good Irish food then this is the place. I had the corn beef sandwich, Jules and Brian had Fish & Chips and Renee had Chicken Pot Pie. After a few rounds of Strongbow, we headed out into the city to walk the food off. We walked through Milenium Park down to the Adler Planetarium and then back again. It was a perfect day to hang out along the lake. On our drive home we stopped at Oberweiss for some ice cream and a game of chess where Renee kicked Brian's ass clown.