Trick or Treat ya'll! The meds have kicked in and I'm finally feeling better after throwing my freakin' back out from the
Global Day of Service I participated in. I leave you now with some exclusive pics from the Halloween events at Moto. Hope everyone has a safe and spooky Halloween.

I loved the Mc Fry !
Me too. That's exactly what I was thinking. That fry costume is too cute.
No One came as a bottle of ketchup?
I can't believe how nice my pumpkin looks! Can anyone guess which is mine?
Luis.... How many shit kids ended up at our house this year?
OMG, we actually had a lot of rugrats show up at our house. I think Renee won this year. She said she got like 100 kids and ran out of candy corn.
We didn't have too many kids this year, but had plenty of Altoid minitins to go around.
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