Friday, May 25, 2007

Cicadas Invade Elmhurst

As promised, below are some pictures of the periodical cicadas Joe, Samantha, Tyler, Isabelle and I chased down in the streets of Elmhurst . Thanks go to Sue Campbell for being so kind in inviting us over her home to take pictures of the little buggers. I'm planning on going back in a few days to see if I can get some video of them singing in the trees. You can see more photos at .

Cicada Nymphs emerging from their burrows.

Cicada Nymph climbing up a tree.

Me holding a newly emerged cicada nymph.
A cicada molting and leaving behind its shell or exuviae if you will.

I don't know why but I found myself helping many cicadas make the journey from the ground up into the trees. Just being a good sumaritan.

Here is a pair of cicadas making the long climb up the trees by themselves.

Another picture of a cicada with its wings fully dry.

Cicada Nymphs molting and empty exuviae.

Joe eating a cicada.

Portrait of a Cicada

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Cicadas Emerging In Elmhurst

Yesterday after work I got a call from Samantha and Joe telling me about some cicadas emerging from the ground in Elmhurst. Being the enthusiastic Cicada Chaser that I am, I grabbed my camera and drove to Sam and Joe's house. From there we drove into the southern part of town and the above is what I captured. The video on the left is a newly emerged Cicada Nymph crawling up the bark of a tree. The video on the right is a video of a Cicada that has just moulted. I will post more pics later.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Welcome Back Cicada

Yes, the Periodical Cicadas are back after 17 years in the ground. I have not seen one in my area yet but this is supposedly the day they start coming out of the ground by the thousands. is on Cicada Alert. I do not want to miss this great insect like I did back in 1990. For some reason the Cicadas did not emerge no where near my home in Waukegan. Anyway, I will keep you posted if and when I start seeing those darn little critters.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Las Vegas - Day 4

Our last couple of days in Vegas was spent gambling the rest of our savings away up and down the strip. I was $60 under after everything was done. We also visited old Las Vegas and to our surprise the Pride Parade was going on. Below are some of the pics of our last two days in Vegas. You can see more pics at .

Friday, May 11, 2007

Las Vegas - Day 3

Today we decided to drive to Red Rock Canyon which is just 30 minutes outside of Las Vegas. The park is famous for its huge red sandstone peaks. Paul, Rick and I did a little hiking and rock climbing while we were there. We were able to spot an endangered desert tortoise as well as an Uinta Chipmunk trying to keep cool in the near 100 degree heat by laying its belly on the cool shaded sand. Below are some of the pictures I took in and around Red Rock Canyon.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Las Vegas - Day 2

Paul and I became a little ill today after gorging ourselves at the buffet at the Bellagio. The bloody bison steak just wasn't sitting right if you know what I mean. Dont' get me wrong, the buffet at the Bellagio is fantastic but stay away from the bloody steak. After a couple of hours our stomachs settled and we went out and grazed it up some more! Eating in Vegas is awesome!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Las Vegas - Day 1

Paul, Rick and I went to go see our dear friend Peg this morning. She tricked us... I mean... she sold us a couple of timeshares a few years back and wanted to show us the many exciting things that was happening around the strip. She was actually telling us the truth about the huge resort that was going to be built across from our building. The new City Center pictured above is just one of the few buildings/resorts being built up and down the strip. City Center is expected to open to the public in late 2009.

Trip To Vegas

I flew over to Vegas last night to celebrate Rick's birthday. I took this picture of the southern strip from the bar at the top our hotel. I just love Vegas! I also want to send some "birfday" love to Rick who turns the big 4-0. Happy Birthday Rick!

Friday, May 04, 2007

Poop and Pee 101

For all you folks (you know who you are) that love to talk about poop and pee, this clip is for you. Straight from Japan, a toilet training video for youngsters. It's kinda weird at first but towards the end, you will find yourself singing and humming along to the catchy poop and pee song! Pooping and peeing can be fun!