Friday, May 25, 2007

Cicadas Invade Elmhurst

As promised, below are some pictures of the periodical cicadas Joe, Samantha, Tyler, Isabelle and I chased down in the streets of Elmhurst . Thanks go to Sue Campbell for being so kind in inviting us over her home to take pictures of the little buggers. I'm planning on going back in a few days to see if I can get some video of them singing in the trees. You can see more photos at .

Cicada Nymphs emerging from their burrows.

Cicada Nymph climbing up a tree.

Me holding a newly emerged cicada nymph.
A cicada molting and leaving behind its shell or exuviae if you will.

I don't know why but I found myself helping many cicadas make the journey from the ground up into the trees. Just being a good sumaritan.

Here is a pair of cicadas making the long climb up the trees by themselves.

Another picture of a cicada with its wings fully dry.

Cicada Nymphs molting and empty exuviae.

Joe eating a cicada.

Portrait of a Cicada

1 comment:

Renee said...

Very cool pics. The 17-year cicada emerged in 1999 in NE Ohio. Actually they emerge every year, but every 17 years they have a mass emergence.