Sunday, January 27, 2008

Bald Eagles Along The Illinois River

Earlier today we drove to Starved Rock State Park for Bald Eagle Watch 2008. We joined hundreds of others to watch the wintering Bald Eagles along the Illinois River. We saw roughly 40 eagles. Some were perched on trees and others were flying around and diving towards the river to catch fish! This was my first time seeing a Bald Eagle in the wild so it was pretty exciting. Thanks to Brian's bright idea, I was able to take some close up shots of the birds by taking pictures via my binoculars with my point and shoot camera.


MrMantastic said...

Those pics came out pretty good through the bino's. Did you guys walk through the woods to the lookout point on the rocks? You didn't pay for a group tour?

Lui5 said...

Heyyyy, your 80's pic is up! We did go through the woods to the lookout pint on the rocks. That is where I took the pic of those two eagles. There was no need to pay for a group tour but there were plenty of Illinois Audobon people there with super strong lenses to get closer looks of the eagles.

Renee said...

Very cool shots! They're magnificent. Did the Audubon folks have Leica & Swarovski scopes? They cost a mint.

Lui5 said...

I'm not sure what kinda of scopes they had but I know they were expensive because one of the Audobon guys yelled at this kid to not touch the lens. BTW, the birders were much nicer than the ones in San Fran. I wanted to tell them that I knew THE Larry Roschee.

Parma Area Fine Arts Council said...

How cool is that? Very Cool !!!!