Sunday, March 30, 2008

Earth Hour

We celebrated Earth Hour with dinner, drinks, and friends. As you can see, we turned our lights off. Did you?(Photo: AP)

(Photo: Chris Sweda/Chicago Sun-Times)


Brian said...


First of all, the lights in the picture are "ON" not "OFF".

Second, is there really any real difference between the pictures of the city?

Anonymous said...

apparently in Chicago earth hour was celebrated by turning off only the lights at the top of buildings and attics...

Anonymous said...

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Renee said...


MrMantastic said...

uummm.ehemmmm. Aaaaa....I've been seeing the same post for 3 weeks now. reason?

Renee said...

Um, it's May next week...Hello

TL said...

So, lights off for Earth Day. Never can have enough candles can you. Please consider doing a PartyLite Party with me as your consultant! It would definitely get my business off the ground to get another booking.

Take Care!!!