Hummingbird Clearwing Moth (thank you
Reynalda) came to dine on the flowers in my patio early this afternoon. I thought it was a hummingbird at first but after a closer look I learned that it was actually a moth! The little guy was being very cooperative and it allowed me to take a few pics of it as it dashed between the geraniums in a feeding frenzy. Talk about eat and go! You can see more pics by clicking
Hummingbird Clearwing Moth flying in to dine on the flowers.

Moth flying to another flower.

Moth sucking up the nectar with its long proboscis.

Close-up of my visitor.
This is actually called a Hummingbird Clearwing Moth (Hemaris thysbe). It's not a hawk-moth.
Ohhh Renee. I tried to ID it okay. Whatever it is, it looked pretty cool!
It IS a hummingbird clearwing moth so get to correcting it on this blog so as not to mislead people. #1 case for not believing everything you read on the Internet.
You should have swatted that thing down and placed it in a shadow-box frame like that other bug in your house. Then, you can look at its coolness everyday.
Renee, point taken. I've updated the moth name. But you are right that you can't believe everything one reads on the internet. May I remind you of such a post dated March 12th, 2007, where a certain someone took a "before" picture of her organized cupboard. Thank youUuUuUu! http://didymops.blogspot.com/2007/03/very-bad-kitty.html
Cool pics
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