Saturday, October 07, 2006

This isn't quite the full moon that Mary from "All You Wanted To Know About Nuttin'" talks about in her blog but did anyone else notice how bright the moon was last night? If you did, it has to do with the Harvest Moon. The moon is actually 12 percent bigger than some of the other full moons this past year. Farmers in the past relied on this light to harvest their crops all night long. So if you get a chance tonight, look up into the sky and marvel at this spectacle. Super cool! [Article]


Renee said...

Wow, so the moon actually grows "bigger" once a year? Do Astronomers know about this incredible occurrence?

Lui5 said...

Because of the mooon's not so perfect orbit around the earth, at times is indeed a bit closer to us . It just so happens during the Harvest Moon this year, it's at that "close" point in it's orbit. You picking up what I'm throwin down?

Renee said...

I believe the moon will "appear" bigger. Key word, APPEAR.

Mary said...

I hear the camera adds ten pounds to the moon, giving it a bigger appearance.

Renee said...

That moon is PHAT.

katraz said...

Is that the same moon I see here in Akron???

Anonymous said...

Lui~ you better stick to accounting...