Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Welcome Back Cicada

Yes, the Periodical Cicadas are back after 17 years in the ground. I have not seen one in my area yet but this is supposedly the day they start coming out of the ground by the thousands. Lui5.com is on Cicada Alert. I do not want to miss this great insect like I did back in 1990. For some reason the Cicadas did not emerge no where near my home in Waukegan. Anyway, I will keep you posted if and when I start seeing those darn little critters.


Anonymous said...

Do you think that the cicadas were all killed off by all of the gang violence in Waukegan?

Lui5 said...

That is one theory I heard. I meanz, there is a lot of gang violence in Waukegan.

Renee said...

I think it was the lack of flush toilets in Waukegan. All the outhouses done did them in.