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Oh hellz no, it's here!It looks like Renee from "The Correl" called it! She mentioned to me just last weekend about the devastation that the
Emerald Ash Beetle has caused to the Ash trees in Ohio and surrounding states. She told me the bug was headed my way and sure enough, it's here already! The pesky bug has been spotted 8 miles west of where "I stay", in the town of Lily Lake, IL. This bug has supposedly killed 20 million ash trees in Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, and Ontario, since it first established itself here in the Midwest in 2002. That's just wrong so be on the lookout for this pest and report any sightings to your State Department of Agriculture. [NBC5 Article]
I don't think Cleveland has seen this pesty little beetle yet...It has been spotted just west of the hood. I am not welcoming this bug of destruction and will crush it's crunchy body with my size 8 1/2's upon a visual spotting.
Reynalda done scurred me saying that it will kill everything in it's path! I'm going to check this tree down the street that looks like it might be infested. It's an Ash tree and looks like it's lost most of it's leaves!!!
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