So last night was a lot of fun. We went over Paul and Rick's house for a BBQ. The food was dry but it was aaaight I guess. Tammy was also over and told us her daughter was hanging out at Waucondafest. We decided to check the fest out. It was actually a lot of fun. We played some games and I won Patrick (from Spongebob Square Pants) in a game of Wack-A-Mole. I was the first one out of 8 people to reach 150 pts!!! High five to myself!!!! Brian played some games but didn't win a thing. We also went on a few rides like the Zipper. It was good time until we saw something which shocked the hell out of us. There at the goldfish game booth was a bunch of high school riff raffs swallowing the baby goldfish they had just won. It was sad but I put it behind me and enjoyed the rest of the night at Waucondafest!

1 comment:
Mohawk Mullet Alert !
Who's the lost creature standing front of the wheel o'fortune with the mohawk ?
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