I'm happy to report that I woke up with no soreness after completing a 25 mile bike ride through Chicago's hoods last night. This was our 9th year doing the L.A.T.E. Ride and like always, it was awesome! We got to the bike ride just before the start time of 1:30am and finished around 4:30am. This year's route took us through Greektown, the North and Northwest neighborhoods and down the lakefront bike path to the Museum Campus. All kinds of people greeted us along the way and we even got shout outs from some Hacidic Jews in the hood. Shalom! Towards the end of the ride my ass was starting to hurt and Brian almost had a heart attack, but that's what his fault since he hasn't take his bike out for a ride since last summer's L.A.T.E. Ride!. Oh, and the breakfast this year was awesome! I loves me some McDonald's! They were a major sponsor of the ride and provided everyone breakfast food which included cinnamon roles, cookies, fruit, juice, and yogurt. Overall, it was a good ride and I'm looking forward to next year!

I am so proud of you both...I would have been calling 911 after the first 3 miles...Great Job !
Damn. You finished while it was still dark out! When I was with you the sun had already come up! You must have been cruising.
Did you eat salami and mayo for breakfast?
did you do the late ride or play a game of Trivial Pursuit? That's all I want to know...
This blog SUCKS! All my previous remarks have been removed!!! np!
That 2nd picture of the Late Ride looks like Downs kid riding a bicycle.
damnit, I missed the late ride! I was in chi-town for the week of the 4th and I feel mega bad that we didn't hang out. Maybe next time I'm in town - unless you guys wanna visit phoenix? :)
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