I had a weird dream last night. Brian and I were on our way to my friend Amy's wedding shower at the Field Museum. Included in the shower were free tickets to the King Tut exhibit so we were very excited! We got to the museum and it was extremely crowed because there was American Idol auditions being held. Simon Cowell was having auditions inside a huge purple dinosaur. As we walked by I saw an Idol contestant crying. I then saw Simon and jokingly told him, "You were a little harsh, ehh?" We kept walking and Simon called us back to let us know that the shower was being held on top of the Purple Dinosaur. He pointed up to some stairs that went up to the top of the dinosaur's back. We walked up and saw Paul and Renee there. I was having trouble stepping off the stairs and onto the dinosaurs back. I was a bit scared because I felt like I going to fall off. Paul and Renee laughed at me. I woke up right after that. What does it all mean? Anyone have a dream book? Comments?

That dream be downright weird.
Why did you and Paul laugh at me as I was trying not to fall off the dinosaur's back? Ya'll mean!
I have anylized this dream in my chrystal ball and it says "you should lay off the late night snacks"
I have gone back to the chrystal ball and it gave me more info. You are being paid back for all the "weenies in the face shots."
Paul and I be laughing because you're a fish eyed fool. I'm hungry for some Walker Brothers.
Luis - I researched my dreamscape book intensely and have determined after many hours of reading that this dream can only mean that you are secretly harboring deep feeling for BARNEY
To see a dinosaur in your dream, symbolizes an outdated attitude. You may need to discard your old ways of thinking and habits.
Purple is indicative of devotion, healing abilities, loving, kindness, and compassion.
To dream that you are walking down a flight of stairs, signifies that you will face many setback in your endeavors.
To dream that you are afraid to continue on some situation, signifies trouble in the home and failure in business.
To see a museum in your dream, signifies that you will pass through some colorful and varied experiences in your climb up the social ladder. Your non-traditional path to success will prove to make you unique and stand out from others. Alternatively, the museum may represent a history of yourself and your past.
I couldn't find anything on Simon cowell!!!
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