Last night we went into Rüdesheim to check their Christmas market out and to look for the cuckoo clock I've always wanted. We finally found it on display in this little shop that was all lit up like the Griswold's home in the movie "Christmas Vacation". They said they had it in stock but then came back after 15 mintues and told me they did not have it anymore. :-( I was really bummed and needed some comfort so we went out to eat, of course. There's nothing like big German meal with loads of pork, beef, chicken and potatos to comfort a soul.

How could ANYONE pass up eating those orange slices?
That meal looks awesome! But who shoved that stick through Brian's neck?
Now, what restaurant is this in Rüdesheim? Damn, that looks GOOD. Good to see you guys are having a nice time.
We ate the slices AFTER the picture was taken! Please, you know if it fit in Lui5's mouth, it got eaten. They were only left for the photo to add color and a point of reference.
OMG, Brian does look like he got stabbed in the neck. LOL
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