Sunday, December 31, 2006

Sylvia's Original Sauce

Okay, we ended up buying this awesome sauce last night that you can use for cookin', dippin', and moppin'? Sylvia, who is THE Queen of Soul Food, has some damn good sauce but what does "moppin" mean? I guess I'm not all up on the lingo but my first thought was of its use to mop the floor but that's just not right. Any thoughts?


Parma Area Fine Arts Council said...

Moppin' = Marinade in the Cleveland hood.

Parma Area Fine Arts Council said...

OK, not really to marinade, but to brush on like BBQ sauce ribs on the grill. Just like moppin' the floor, you mop the rib...

Anonymous said...

shooooooooot--you use da little mini mop and slop on the sauce--makes da ribs nice and tasty...that be moppin