Sunday, November 16, 2008

Schnappschuss aus Amerika

OMG, I was famous for a day in Germany a few weeks ago. A picture I took during my visit to the Bingen Garden Show was published in the Bingen-Am-Rhein zeitung!!! How cool is that?


Renee said...

This is too freakin' cool. That's ME in the background in the blue shirt!!!!!! Am I famous too?

MrMantastic said...

OK, That's cool.

But, how did they get a hold of a picture you took?

Lui5 said...

That sure is you Reynalda. Eugania called me less than a week after we got back from Deutschland and she told me the local zeitung was looking for people to submit their Garden Show pictures and I picked this one.

Renee said...

Did she mail you a copy of the article? can you make me a color copy??