Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Hiking On Kelleys Island

I finally got a chance to go through my pics I took on Kelleys Island last weekend. Renee from Didymops invited Brian and I to come along on a nature hike with her and friends from The Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Despite the extreme heat and humidity it turned out to be a very fun hike! We did a bit of bird banding, searched for fossils, and got to see Kelleys Island's famous Glacial Grooves. Afterwards, Jay, Larry, Judy, Brian, and I headed over to the Village Pump for some brewskies. That was a hoot! Below are a few pics of the things I saw during the hike. More pics can be found at the following link: Click Here . Enjoy.

Cliff overlooking Lake Erie.

Some yellow bird about to be tagged.Me releasing a grackle. (Photo by Jay Cossey)A random butterfly.

Hunting for fossils on Kelleys Island.


Anonymous said...

I am so suprised that Lui5 was that close to a bird without thiking he was catching the bird flu.

Renee said...

You should have seen him by the hand sanitizer. It was embarrassing how much he used...